Ongoing clinical supervision

Clinical supervision is an integral part of counselling and psychotherapy. It allows practitioners to reflect on their work, receive feedback, and learn from more experienced colleagues. When working with LGBTQ+ clients, it is essential to find a supervisor who is knowledgeable about queer identities and culture. This ensures that the practitioner is receiving culturally competent supervision that can help them to serve their clients in an ethical and supportive way.

When searching for a supervisor, counselors and psychotherapists should look for someone who is open-minded, culturally sensitive, and knowledgeable about not only queer cultural issues, but also someone who has a good understanding of contemporary research findings in working clinically with a wide variety of gender, sex and relationship diverse clients.

With the right supervisor, clinicians can feel confident in their ability to provide knowledgeable, ethical and culturally responsive care to LGBTQ+ clients.

The main focus of my practice is working with individual therapists of all genders and orientations, in supporting them to provide specialist support for their work with GSRD clients. My goal is for you to be able to provide the best care possible by supporting your continued development and professionalism in this area of expertise so that we can help empower those who need it most.

I am particularly keen to help mentor the next generation of GSRD specialist therapists, who like me have been drawn to serve their own communities.

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Ad hoc supervision can be an important part of working with complex clients, especially where you might lack experience in understanding a particular GSRD client.

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Consultation and
Supervision Groups

In addition to one-to-one supervision, I run two supervision/consultation groups for qualified and experienced therapists to reflect on complex cases through the lenses of GSRD therapy.
